音樂 :
Ultra Energy Adhesive Trading Co. Ltd.
速 能 化 工 貿 易 有 限 公 司
CA1Q : 速能牌高效能快乾膠
適用於塑膠、金屬、木器、紙板、皮革、橡膠、織物或塑化之PVC 和一些難接著材質,若使用於 PE,PP,矽橡膠,ABS,TPR,EPDM,可與速能牌表面處理劑CP-1 配搭使用,效果更佳。

Ideal for bonding plastics, rubber, TPR elastomers. Special for difficult to bond rubber compounds. Including EPDM, nitrile, neoprene, viton, EVA, SBS rubber, ABS, plasticized PVC & rigid PVC. For silicon rubber, polyolefin (PE, PP) bonding use ULTRA BOND CP-1 Primer.ULTRA BOND CA GEL for plastic / rubber / metal can be applied on vertical & porous surfaces, will not migrate, can be cured with ULTRA BOND accelerator.

主要成份 Main Component
氰基丙烯酸乙酯 Ethyl Cyanoacrylate
黏度 Viscosity (25℃) Cps 
2 - 3

溫度範圍 Temp. Range (℃) 

- 55 至 82 
外觀顏色 Appearance 
無色透明液體 Colorless Transparent Liquid 



本產品有一般檢測報告,如: RoHS、REACH、EN71
This product has a general test report, such as RoHS, REACH, EN71.
For more information, please contact us.



20G / PC, 50PCS / BOX
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